My main papers (reverse chronological):
These are the papers I've written that I consider to be comprehensive or significant. Each paper generally took 40+ hours to write.- The case for a new sleep parameter; parasympathetic tone. (ME/CFS, POTS, and HRV)
- My Escapades With Novel Insomnia Treatments: Histamine, Acetylcholine, Et Al.
- Can the MDMA roll last forever?: A sustainable utopian drug, or a toxic compound for the irresponsible?
- On Suffering: Biology, Causes, and Remedies.
Minor papers:
These are papers I've written that I consider to be short or simple.- The case for high dose hydroxyzine for sleep.
- Pre-paper report on the basics of diabetes and insulin resistance.
- GHB Biosynthesis Induction.
- Perhaps blood volume insufficiency is a major cause of migraine.
Miscellaneous writings:
- The Continuing Adventures of Medical Discourse. (warning: long)
- Email correspondence with my health care provider.
- My first week on hydroxyzine.
My Facebook.Research notes: This link contains some of my research notes that I have accumulated over time. It is my first compilation of research, so older sections are a bit rough around the edges. Most of it is small quotes extracted from studies. This is a link to research comments I've made using annotation tool. As of August 2018, it is currently my primary method of collecting studies. Thus, this holds some of my most up-to-date opinions.
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